Monday, October 5, 2009


A few days ago my sis started talking about Phiten. Phiten is a company that makes interesting looking stuff out of titanium, the metal. It is supposed to help prevent and cure soreness, aches and all sorts of other crap.

So, on one fine day my sis wants to go to Pavilion the big fancy shopping complex where almost everything is over priced. Then we came across a Phiten shop and went in.

Inside, one of the people who wants to take our money a.k.a salesmen asks my dad to try lifting a bottle with a finger. Then he put a Phiten necklace on my dad's hand and ask him to lift it up again. My dad says 'I don't fell any difference' Not sure whether skeptical or really no difference. Then the salesman asks him to try again.

As my father continues for quite a while, me and my sis goes of looking at all their stuff. So many cool looking as well as the ones that don't look as nice. Then, we saw a really cool looking one and asked how much was it. They started saying it's limited edition, very good blah blah blah so we decided to forget about it.

Then my sis saw a 'reasonable' priced one. It was a micro titan ball which costs RM145. She started trying on a few of them seeing which looked nicest on her. After around what seemed like hours of trying on the same 3 necklaces she decides to ask me of my perspective. I said the black one looked nice. She replies 'Really?' Then she goes trying it on then another and another. Finally she chose the black one.

Then my dad asks 'El, do you want one?' I reply 'I won't mind' Then he asked me to choose one. I liked the X30 design but not it's color. So I asked if there was a different color but same design. The salesman brought me to the other end of the store. There had a few other colors. There were two interesting ones. A black and grey one and a black, grey and white one. Both looked nice but I preferred the black and grey because the other one stands out really obviously. The x30 costs RM160 which was Rm15 more than my sister's one.

The total price was RM 305. If we had purchased RM95 more, we could have got some sort of point thing. But we didn't.

So, whether it works or it's a placebo effect, at least it works in one way or the other.