Monday, September 14, 2009

# 0355

I've got nothing to do and I've received a request to update my blog so...

Today, Miss Tan asked Aaron, Sue, Amanda, Dhaarshini, Sanggari & yours truly to help her out during MM. If I knew what was going to happen, I might have second thoughts about helping out.

So after recess, I went to the teachers room as asked with Aaron. There, teacher passed us a bag of Aerobikthon cards and told us to confirm the amounts donated. So we started counting, counting, counting, making mistakes, counting. It was rather tedious and boring but better than stuck in the library.

After the excruciating task, I asked teacher if she needed anymore help (because I'm so helpful ;D). And unfortunately she had another 'favour', she wanted us to arrange the cards in ascending order. It was rather simple except for a few missing cards here and there which were found later EXCEPT, card # 0355. We first thought it was mixed with another pile so we searched and searched. Soon, we reached close to a mental breakdown. We searched at least 4 times each class over and over again. Then Miss Tan said, 'Nevermind, I'll try to sort it out,'. Just like that I felt so relieved.

Then she asked us to keep the cards. We stacked it up according to class. After that, the pile was so tall that for a short moment we didn't know how to put it into the bag. So we decided to just put the bag over it. As I was doing so, Aaron kept talking about the Tsunami at Jakarta. I was distracted by that for a moment that my shirt and tie got stuck under the pile. As I pulled it out, my shirt was untucked and my tie out of shape.

Later we found out that we wasted almost all MM time and I couldn't finish my theory wok :'(

P.S. # 0355 is still stuck in my head

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