Friday, November 13, 2009

Last Day Concert

Most probably other people might be blogging about this and they might make this more interesting but this is my view of it. Not the view of a performer or spectator but as an AEC (Backstage, audio, mic people)

The thing was meant for 2 teachers who are retiring, forgot who (No offense)

It started with Pn Hjh Norsham making a speech. At the same time, the ketua AEC (Nigel) was telling me and Syahmi to set up the chairs. First, 5 chairs for the teachers then 6 chairs for a performance. We wanted to place the chairs in a pattern of black,white,black,white then black but the teachers were getting impatient so we just dumped it there.

After that, we started talking to the performers waiting outside. We called Xi Shern's name a couple of times and he looked left, right and all over the place before looking up. Then, most of them saw us and gave us some kind of look. Then, the teachers started staring so we cut it out.

Soon, performer after performer came up and... performed. Then came one performer who was like juggling some kind of thing. She kept making mistakes and we had to pick up the things that flew all over the place.

So, after the whole thing finished, we just kept all the mics, off the lights and the day was over. I think I'm going to miss all the things I do up on stage. Can't wait for next year.

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